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Welcome to Circle of Life

You are entering the Circle of Life. This remarkable process gives you the capacity to transform your life and health. Its ripple effect will help to heal and empower you, your family, your community, and your world.

The Circle of Life can create a rebirth of self-empowerment and a remembrance of the truth that the essential source of our power lies within. In the Circle of Life you will ask yourself "what behaviors, attitudes and actions do I practice that support my health and create positive life outcomes?” “What are my strengths?” ”What environments energize and support me?” What behaviors, attitudes, people, actions block or drain my energy, health, productivity or self esteem?” “What supports me to be healthier,  happier and more productive?” “What  do I need to make  positive changes in my life?”By evaluating our lives, acknowledging strengths, clarifying intentions, and then designing specific, phased steps of improvement, setting accountability we can greatly enhance the quality of our lives, achieve more positive and productive outcomes and bring forth new possibilities.

Ideally, caring for health and improving one's life will include cultivating all aspects of life and life-style such as: exercise, nutrition, social connections, spirituality, self-esteem, play, relationships, work, life purpose, self care, service to others and financial health. Throughout the world there is a powerful wave of realization building: we can care for our health and purposefully increase our ability to create positive life outcomes through personal action and supportive group activity. The most important aspects of health improvement and personal energy management do not require highly trained professionals or expensive equipment and facilities. Genuine caring for health can happen at home, in school and at work. Rather than a huge expense or major effort this simply requires knowledge, information, inspiration and support to take personal action.

Every positive choice we make has a ripple effect, spreading out and positively affecting everyone and everything around us. Healing and personal transformation supported by the Circle of Life can help to reduce or eliminate unnecessary suffering, save our economy billions of health care dollars, enhance effectiveness and creativity and greatly improve the quality of life of our families, our our communities, and our world.

The Circle of Life process can help to resolve many health, stress and performance problems. A revolution in human possibilities is creating new methods for maximizing the potential of the individual, causing the redesign of education, health care delivery, corporate productivity and even the primary social vision in many of the nations of the world. The Circle of Life facilitates the cultivation of personal and group improvement wherever people are inspired to reach for greater quality of life, health or creativity - in clinics, businesses, schools, religious institutions, social agencies - even whole communities.

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